THE classical HIIT-Setup: This intense full-body HIIT workout is a circle training with seven cardio-focused exercises and short breaks in between. In four rounds you will burn hundreds of calories, build lean and strong muscle, as well as considerably improve your stamina. The whole workout is designed to target every part of your body with each exercise building up on top of the previous.
Format: 7 stations x 4 rounds
Cardio Effect: ❤ ❤ ❤
Strength Effect: x
The combo workout is a super-effective HIIT session combining strength and cardio exercises in quick succession to really test and build your power. There are four stations to conquer; each station involves a high-speed cardio exercise with a powerful strength exercise. Per station you do each exercise twice, switching back and forth from cardio to strength exercise.
The workout sets you a real challenge to keep up with both the pace and power requirements - and each round just gets tougher, pushing you to your limits!
Format: 4 stations with 4 exercises each x 3 rounds
Cardio Effect: ❤ ❤ ❤
Strength Effect: x x
The Triple Burn workouts are super-effective HIIT sessions with a special focus. In combination with signature cardio and ABS exercises, the TripleBurn Upper Body workout allows you to target your arms, shoulders and chest for extra attention! In one killer session, we cover three exercise zones each packed with three cardio and body-specific exercises:
Zone I - Cardio: Three consecutive exercises designed to get your heart pumping
Zone II - UpperBody: Three consecutive exercises to build strength in your arms, shoulders, and chest.
Zone III - Abs: Three consecutive exercises to really crunch your core and strengthen your abs
The three TripleBurn zones make a total of nine exercises per round. And how many rounds do we do? Three of course! This workout is designed to help you burn calories, get toned and build strength. And of ourse, you’ll sweat and feel great afterward!
Format: 3 zones with 3 exercises each x 3 rounds
Cardio Effect: ❤ ❤
Strength Effect: x x
The TripleBurn workouts are super-effective HIIT sessions with a special focus. In combination with signature cardio and ABS exercises, the TripleBurn Lower Body workout allows you to target your legs, thighs and core for extra attention! In one killer session, we cover three exercise zones each packed with three cardio and body-specific exercises:
Zone I - Cardio: Three consecutive exercises designed to get your heart pumping
Zone II - LowerBody: Three consecutive exercises to build strength in your legs, thighs, and core.
Zone III - Abs: Three consecutive exercises to really crunch your core and strengthen your abs.
The three TripleBurn zones make a total of nine exercises per round. And how many rounds do we do? Three of course! This workout is designed to help you burn calories, get toned and build strength. And of ourse, you’ll sweat and feel great afterward!
Format: 3 zones with 3 exercises each x 3 rounds
Cardio Effect: ❤ ❤
Strength Effect: x x
The Strength class is all about building muscle power and muscle mass. We are combining two exercises for different muscle groups at each station using each one as the break for the other one. Per station you do each exercise twice, switching back and forth from push to pull exercise. There is always one push and one pull exercise for a particular muscle group within each station demanding maximum effort before moving on to the next station with a different focus.